
Saturday 13 December 2014

Sisterhood Of The World Blogger Award!!!

This one is a bit special. I was tagged a LOOOOOOOONG time ago by Laura from Boats Against The Current for the Sisterhood Of The World Travelling Blog. Who knows if she even remember (it's that long ago). And recently I was nominated by Ashana Lian from A Fantasy Writer's Blog. I would like to give a big thank you to both girls from having thought of me. 


-Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their site.
-Post the award’s logo onto your blog.
-Answer the 10 questions you’ve been asked.
-Nominate 10 bloggers.
-Set 10 new questions for your nominees.

Laura's Questions:

1)Which book character would you like as a best friend?
Rose from The Vampire Academy series or maybe Mac from the Fever series. I think I would have so much fun with. Also, I'm sure Mac would give good fashion and make-up advice.

2) Is there any genre of book that just doesn’t interest you at all?
Hmm...That's a hard one. I'll maybe purely romance book, I don't read much of these.

3) How did you name your blog?
My blog use to be named The Carla Diaries. However, I wanted to have a funnier blog title so I changed it to A French Girl On The Road. The "A French Girl" comes from the fact that I'm French. I came up with "On The Road..." because I'm still looking for what I'm going to do with my life and because I've travelled a lot.

4) How often do you re-read books?
Unfortunately, very rarely. My TBR list is that long.

5) Have you ever abandoned a book series half way through?
Yeah, House of Night. I couldn't be bothered to keep on reading.

6) If you had to be trapped in an elevator with three book characters, who would they be?
Kate Daniels 'cause if there's an emergency, she'll know how to get us out of trouble. Mac because she seems like fun and  Jericho Barron. I don't actually like him, but we always need a sexy boy who can kick ass.

7) Is there any song that reminds you of a certain book?
Not really.

8) Where is your favourite place to read?
In my room or in a library, really any place where I won't be distracted.

9) Have you given any books negative reviews, and why?
I've given negative reviews to several books. As a matter of fact, in November, I gave my first F. It was to Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neills. Generally those books had a series of flaws that I couldn't overlook. Generally, it was a combination of uninteresting/annoying/unbelivable/ two dimentional characters and predictable/poorly build plot. 

10)If you could write your own memoir, what would the title be? (Sorry to steal your question Tika, but it’s a good one!)
Memoirs Of A French Girl On The Road or even simpler A French Girl On The Road. I can't think of anything better.

Ashana Lian's Questions:

1)Who's your favorite author?
The thing with me is that I've rarely read books from a different series by the same authors. Nonetheless, I'll say Octavia Butler and maybe George R. R. Martin. I haven't actually read anything except ASOIAF by Martin, but he still rank as one of my favorite author because I haven't yet read any high fantasy books that has had as high an impact on me as his.

2)What's the best thing about blogging?
Connect with people.

3) How many books do you own?
About an hundreds.

4) What was the last movie you saw?
Do you mean in cinema or on T.V? I hardly ever go to the cinema anymore. Last movie I saw in theatre was Gangster Squad. And on TV, The Transporter.

5) Okay, important question...tomato sauce or barbecue sauce?
Tomato sauce.

6) What skill do you really want to learn or wish you had?
I wish I could learn how to apply make up as well as a professional. And I wish I was a super extrovert, one of these person who can make friends in a minute or less. 

7) How many different types of social media do you have? (it counts if both are owned by the same company. Blogger and Google+ still counts as 2)
I've got 5. Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Google+ and Goodreads.

8) Do you have a (secret...?) talent or quirk that surprises other people?
It's not really a secret and I'm not sure if it surprise people, but I'm a good tennis player.

9) What's your dream job?
I have no idea. I really don't know what I'm gonna do with my life, lol.

10) What was the last thing you made or did that you're proud of?
I submitted a portfolio for my Sport Journalism module. It was composed of a Live commentary of a tennis match I watched on TV, a match report of a football match I attended, a profile feature on a ex professional basketball player and a sport news podcast. We were allowed to choose the sport we wanted to do our piece on ourselves. But it wasn't easy nonetheless. The hardest for me was the live commentary. Have you ever commented a match while watching it live? Well it's pretty hard.

My 10 Questions

1) What is your favourite genre and why?
2) Are you introvert or extrovert?
3) What is the book at the top of your TBR list?
4) What is your favourite drink ever?
5) What do you wish to be offered or to offer to yourself for Christmas?
6) Do you own a pet or do you wish you owned one?
7) What's your dream job? ( Ashana I'm taking your question, forgive me:))
8) In your opinion, which is the hottest male celebrity?
9) Which movie are you looking forward to see?
10) I know it's a bit early but what are your new year resolution?

My Nominations

I'm not sure who's already been nominated and I know that some of you guys are very busy at the moment, so don't feel obligated to participate:) But anyway, here's my list. Hope you'll have fun!

Jess at My Reading Dress
Olivia at Olivia's Catastrophe
Noelia at A Day in Bookland
Julia at The Book Of Jules
Melliane at Between Dreams And Reality
Lola at Hit Or Miss Books


  1. I abandoned the House of Night series half way through as well. It got to the point where every book seemed to be pretty much the same to me! I don't even know how many books there are in that series, but it seemed like a lot, and I didn't even finish! And I'd definitely say George R.R. Martin is one of my favourite authors as well. I've only ever read ASOIAF by him too, but it is one of my all time favourite series.
    Great answers!

    1. Thank you for commenting! Lol, I'm glad I'm not the only. I think there's like 13 books in this series. I'm not sure if it's over yet. George R. R. Martin is such a talented writer.

  2. Merci d'avoir pensé à moi, c'est très gentil. Je peux répondre vite fait ici si tu veux

    1) What is your favourite genre and why?
    l'urban fantasy. Pourquoi? J'ai un peu de mal par contre à dire exactement. Peut etre à cause des mondes, des héroïnes toujours très fortes
    2) Are you introvert or extrovert?
    Plutot extravertie, je parle énormééément.
    3) What is the book at the top of your TBR list?
    Les dernier Kim Harrison pour la série Rachel Morgan.
    4) What is your favourite drink ever?
    Oula j'ai pas de boissons vraiment qui surpassent d'autres.
    5) What do you wish to be offered or to offer to yourself for Christmas?
    Hmm un nouvel ordi? Un jolie appareil photo ?
    6) Do you own a pet or do you wish you owned one?
    Oui j'ai toujours eu un chien donc du coup un colley.
    7) What's your dream job? ( Ashana I'm taking your question, forgive me:))
    C'est difficile, je pense que je n'en ai pas vraiment. Il faudrait tout tenter. Mais bon ça sera surement dans la chimie maintenant. J'espère que ça me plaira.
    8) In your opinion, which is the hottest male celebrity?
    Oula, j'ai du mal avec les noms, je pense que j'aurais du mal à en choisir un seul.
    9) Which movie are you looking forward to see?
    Taken 3 et le nouveau Disney. Assez curieuse de voir ce que ça donne.
    10) I know it's a bit early but what are your new year resolution?
    Je ne cherche meme pas à en prendre, je ne les tiens jamais lol

    1. Merci d'avoir repondu! Lol, moi aussi j'evite les resolutions désormais. De toute facon des le 5 Janvier, elles sont deja toute oubliee. T'etudie la chimie. Mon dieu, ca doit etre dure! Toute les matières scientifique et moi n'ont jamais collee.

      J'ai lu le premier live de la serie Rachel Morgan, c'etait pas trop mal, mais Rachel m'agacee enormement. J'adorais Jenk et Ivy parcontre. Mai vu que c'est elle le personnage principal, j'ai du mal a donner une autre chance a la serie.

    2. I didn't realise that I can kinda read French! I understood quite a bit of that =D It's been a long time since I studied it in secondary school though, and... I can't speak it. (but I can sing it!)

      Hmm good answers. I didn't realise Taken had a third movie! (How many times can someone get taken?!?!?!)

    3. It's always easier to read than to speak a language. How many can someone get taken? Good question, haha.

  3. I wish I could reread but, like you, I hardly have any time at all! Which sucks because sometimes I feel like I've read all the gems in the world and I just want to come back to them. And I totally understand you when it comes to abandoning House of Night. I just couldn't do it.

    I've actually given a heck of a lot of negative reviews. In fact, I think they may outweigh the positive ones which sucks. But I think that a I've grown older, I just expect a tad more from my fiction now. It's made me a tad harder to please, if I'm truly honest. And I think so critically that even the smallest and most trivial details get caught up by me and they can bother me for the duration of the book.

    Tomato sauce for me as well! And tennis player? Woohoo! I've always wanted to learn!

    Thank you for the nomination, dear! I think it's about time I collated all these nominations because if Ieave it any longer, I'll be answering questions for years, to be honest hahaha

  4. You're welcome! There's so many book I wish I could re-read but alas I've got so little time to spare. I'm the same as you. My expectation are higher than they were a few years ago. Like when I was 15, I LOVED Twillight, I tried to re-read it a year ago. In the end, I couldn't go past page 10, lol. Also I think a lot more careful to how the book is written and structured. Before, as long as I was entertained and excited, I could overlooked plot holes, not anymore.

  5. *sigh* I kinda wanna change my blog name too e_e I've never been one for boring names. E V E R R R
    LMAO at #5! I also gave up on House of Night. It started to frustrate me.

    That was a great answer to my #1. I don't often get much to time reread, but there is that author who blows you away and then you have to hunt down all of their books so you can feel remotely happy about life. (for me that author is Carlos Ruiz Zafon.) I don't go to the cinema either. I think the last movie I saw was Despicable Me? Or something. Question 7 was interesting because I get really fed up with social media, and I wondered if bloggers really do have like 10 different accounts to popularise their blogs. *shrug*

    Question 9 - I know right? Gets so depressing. I wish life had a manual.
    I loved your answer to question 10! That's amazing. Well done you.

  6. Thanks so much for the tag! I am a bit behind on all of my tags so I might not get this up until January, but thanks and I will let you know when I do it! I liked the name change! Also, my TBR is very long, so I rarely reread books as well. All those good ones yet to be read! I read one House of the Night and left it. That series has been drawn out too long for me to even be bothered to get book two. I liked the movie Gangster Squad! And it sure does look like you own a lot of books as well :3

    1. Thanks for commenting! LOL, Everybody gave up on House of Night. The authors dragged this series for too long. And personally, I didn't find the characters that interesting.

  7. Thanks so much for nominating me! I did this a while ago but I'm gonna try to answer your questions as well even though I don't know when I'll be able :)
    I would love to be Rose as well, she's so kick ass! I don't go to the movie theatre as much as I would want to because it's freaking expensive! But I select some films that I do wanna see on the big screen, like the last Hobbit movie. Otherwise I don't go and see it online. I know that's not good but in my defense I'll say that if I really like the movie I will later buy it once it comes out in DVD hehehehehe


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